Everyone in life is gifted with at least one talent, however every now and again you come across those rare few whose talents seem endless. One such creature is Nange Magro. Not only is she...

Dead Lotus Couture by Nange Ma...
Surrender to the Fantasy ̵...
Interview with Alchemy Gothic&...
3Posted by Amaranth
Decennial Decadent Dance betwixt the Dead

Next year will see the 10th edition of York’s Black Rose Ball, which has been summoning the deliciously dark to this ancient city since 2013. I first attended in 2015 and then again at the one just gone… and now I’m planning on making it a firm fixture in my social calender! It was such a magical night, unseasonably humid with a thunderstorm threatening in the darkening...
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Dark Décor and DIY

DIY and home renovations are on the rise, with two thirds of people reportedly either planning or in the middle of home improvements. In fact recently moving to a beautiful old house in the countryside (a Georgian cottage with Victorian extension with oodles historical charm and promise underneath the garish 1970s decorating…), I am firmly in those two thirds. In fact I would say...
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Frater Setnakh – Mysticism ...

Frater Setnakh is a purveyor of mysticism and magic. He doesn’t tie himself...
Posted by Amaranth
Goths on a Bus to Mera Luna

M’era Luna sprung from the ashes of Zillo festival in 2000 and has not...
Posted by Amaranth
Prong – Jewellery with an Edge

Made from materials such as rubber and spikes with beads festooning the items...
Posted by Amaranth
Hysteria Machine

A name that’s fast becoming de rigueur in the alternative fashionista...
Posted by Amaranth
Faerie Tale Gothic

A Faerie Goth-mother if there ever was one, this lovely soul adds her little...
Posted by Amaranth
A Morbid Fascination

Goth has always had the touch of macabre about it. The themes bubbling up...
Posted by Amaranth
M’era Luna – a chat with...

Germany certainly seems to be the mecca for fans of alternative music these...
Posted by Amaranth
Alchemy Artwork

Alchemy was established in England over 30 years ago (in 1977) and is one of...
Posted by Amaranth
Kambriel – Twenty years of dar...

Kambriel is a well-known name and household fashion brand in the American Goth...
Posted by Amaranth
Phaze Clothing Interview

While the ideal is to be cunningly adroit at wielding a sewing machine or have...
Posted by Amaranth
Waisted Creations

Corsetry has always been a staple in my wardrobe, the mix and match options...
Posted by Amaranth
Sinister Clothing Interview

Sinister clothing is a well-known brand which you’ll come across in almost...
Posted by Amaranth
Eiko Ishioka’s Dracula Designs

The vampire has become one of the most alluring and sensual screen monsters,...
Posted by Amaranth
London Edge Preview

London Edge, now in its 14th year, is the biggest exhibition of alternative...